Coaches Chat Thursday Feb. 15th at 7:00pm

Our next Coaches Chat is scheduled for Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 pm. It is important you have an adult in attendance at this meeting. We will be going over our events at a high level and talking about when you will be receiving event specific information for each of your events.

Your team is responsible to know this information.

Event Accommodations

In the PNW we work very hard to accommodate the needs of our students and Mentors.  We can’t always accommodate everythign but we work hard to come up with the best solution possible so every participant can have a great experience. 

To do this, we need your help.  We can’t accommodate things we don’t know about AND it is very difficult for us to make plans for accommodations once our FRC event season has started.   To help ensure a great experience for everyone, we have come up with a form that teams can fill it ouf they have participants that need specific accommodations.  Please fill out this form to let us know about any accommodations you team may have. 

Again, I would like to reiterate, we can’t promise we can accommodate every need but we will make every effort. 

Workshops & Quiet Rooms at Events

I know many of our teams look forward to hosting workshops at events which we think is outstanding but takes a bit of planning on our part. The window is closing for submitting to host a workshop at an event this season.

Note: If you are interested in presenting at DCMP, feel free to enter that here, if you don’t qualify, we will confirm with you prior to scheduling your workshop.

We are still looking for quiet room hosts for all of our FRC events this season. 5588 provides a tote that rides on the truck with quiet room supplies.

We ask that our host be willing to set up the quiet room and make sure it is manned with 2 adults during the period of time that it is open. Many of our hosts will work with other teams to staff the quiet room so their adults are not responsible to staff it for the entire event. If you are interested in being a quiet room host, please fill out this form. In the event we get two teams willing to host, we will connect them so they can work together to provide a quiet space for our participants.

This form will close on Feb 13 and you will no longer be able to sign up to host a workshop.

Menstrual Equity at Events

What is Menstrual Equity?

Menstrual Equity refers to the idea that everyone should be provided access to affordable menstrual hygiene products. Lack of access to products can cause discomfort and health risks such as reproductive tract infections and Toxic Shock Syndrome.

The goal of m.e. FIRST is to provide everybody with free pads and tampons at FRC competitions to remove the financial barriers related to menstruation.

How to Help?

Your team can help with this project by signing up as a m.e. FIRST Ambassador to assist in providing menstrual products available at your events. This includes placing menstrual products in the bathrooms and making care packages for teams to keep with them throughout the event. If you’re interested or have any questions, please reach out to

Submit a Thank You Video to the Washington State Legislature

FIRST Washington is hosting a Legislative Day on February 20th at the capitol building, where board members and staff will be advocating for STEAM funding on behalf of FIRST Washington teams. But we need your help!

We need teams from all over the state to submit impactful videos showing the legislature why FIRST Washington programs are important to you!

Your video does not have to be fancy, and we encourage everyone to get creative!

But it should include the details below –

Your team saying “Thank you to our State Legislators ______ and Governor Inslee for supporting FIRST Washington!”
We are FIRST Washington team NAME, NUMBER, from SCHOOL in CITY.
What does FIRST Washington mean to us?
Show what your team has been doing this season and how support from the legislature has helped your team.
The video should be no longer than 5 minutes.

 Please send a shareable link with the video file to Outreach Manager Adrianna Miller by February 14th at 5:00pm.

The email should contain your – Program, team number, team name, school, city.

It helps if you post your video on your team’s YouTube page and share the link with us, or have it online somewhere. This will be easier for us to show the videos to your legislators.

Event Pages are LIVE!

Our event pages are live! Currently, we have the event location, schedule and team list posted but more information will be added as we get closer to the events.  You can access that information on our website here: