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Event Series FTC Coaches Chat

FTC Coaches Chat

Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 290 425 582 825 Passcode: DSZks5 Download Teams | Join on the web Learn More | Meeting options

FTC Referee Call

This is an opportunity for all FTC Referees and Head Referees to check in prior to the Interleague events. This is NOT an opportunity for teams, coaches, or students to join and discuss calls with referees. Please respect this space for our referees! Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device […]

FLL Monet Semifinal

Ballard High School 1418 NW 65th St., Seattle, WA, United States

Interested in Volunteering at this event? Sign up via the FIRST Inspires Volunteer Portal or email for more info! 

FLL Beethoven Semifinal

Ballard High School 1418 NW 65th St., Seattle, WA, United States

Interested in Volunteering at this event? Sign up via the FIRST Inspires Volunteer Portal or email for more info!  

FLL Bach Semifinal

Cedar Heights Middle School 19640 SE 272nd St., Covington, WA, United States

Interested in Volunteering at this event? Sign up via the FIRST Inspires Volunteer Portal or email for more info!