FLL Submerged Blog: Volume 7

In this weeks Blog-

Join us Thursday for Kevin’s Corner!

Next weeks Coaches Chat!


Make sure you read the entire blog!

Kevin’s Corner!

This season our WA State Head Referee Kevin T will be hosting his own coaches meetings just for robot game questions!

His first meeting is this Thursday October 3rd at 7pm!

This meeting is only for robot game questions. If you have other questions, please join us for the Coaches Chat next week! 

FLL Challenge Coaches Chat

The next coaches chat will be October 10th at 7pm!

This month we will be talking about event registration and judging!

We will not be talking about the robot game.

Additional Coaches Chat dates- November 14th, December 3rd, January 14th

Get your team registered with FIRST and FIRST Washington ASAP!

  • We currently have 519 FLL Challenge teams registered with FIRST Inspires
  • We currently only have 393 teams registered with FIRST Washington- every team that wants to participate has to register with FIRST Washington! 
  • Last year we had 391 teams participate with FIRST Washington
  • This year, we are expecting 500-550 teams

What does this all mean?  We need you to register now!

More From FLL

FTC Into the Deep Blog: Volume 8

League Assignments are LIVE! 

League home assignments are posted on the FIRST Washington website here. Assignments were based on teams submitting both their FIRST Inspires AND FIRST Washington registration as of 9:00am on September 30th.

If you were not registered with FIRST Washington or FIRST Inspires as of September 30th, you were not placed in a home league. To be placed in a league, reigister with firstinspires and FIRST Washington.  We will updated the league list once a day in the morning based on the registration information from the night before.

New this year! Your team can preference into another league using this form.

  • This form is meant to only be used in cases where you want to opt out of your pre-assigned Home League. If you want to remain in your Home League, do not submit this form. 
  • All of our event dates are published on the FIRSTWA Calendar 
  • We will attempt to place teams into their top preferences, but that is subject to event capacity. 
  • Teams are limited to selecting leagues within 75 miles of your team. Any selections further away than that will be removed.  
  • The form does not enforce this, it will be handled manually before assigning leagues 
  • You must select at least two (2) leagues that you would like to move to, but may select up to five (5).  
  • If we are not able to place you into any of your preferences, you will be placed into your original home league. 
  • If you have multiple teams and want them to be kept together, we recommend you stay in your home league. We will not guarantee that your teams will be placed in the same league if you enter the preferencing system. 
  • Reach out to Adrienne Collins (acollins@firstwa.org) and/or Kevin Emery (kemery@firstwa.org) with any questions or concerns. 

The preferencing window will close on Wednesday, October 9. Final league assignments will be posted by the end of the day Friday, October 11. 

OnShape with Kevin this Fall

Kevin is doing his onShape workshops a little differently this season.  Instead of having live workshops, he has pre-recorded a series to allow people to move at their own pace.

If you have students who would like to learn CAD for FTC, here is a playlist of a series of videos for learning how to use OnShape.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Kevin Ross at kevinro@firstwa.org. 

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • Open now:  Boeing Grant open (ask your Boeing Mentor to apply)
  • September 27:  FIRST Washington Grant closes (part of registration)
  • October 1:  FTC home league assignments posted (based on 9-27 Registration)
  • October 1:  League preferencing Window opens
  • October 4:  FIRST Washington invoices sent to the designated team contact
  • October 9:  League preferencing window closes
  • October 11:  Updated league assignments posted
  • October 15:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • October 18:  Deadline to secure FIRST Washington registration
  • October 26 – November 24:  League Event Window
  • November 19:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • December 7-22:  Interleague event window
  • January 11-12:  Semi Final event window
  • February 1:  FTC State

FRC Reefscape Blog: Volume 6

Event Preferencing Closes at 9:00am on Thursday!  

Remember that to register, your Lead and Alternate coach need to have signed their consent/acknowledgement forms and be current on their youth protection screening. 

You can find detailed information on preferencing below. 

Remember, if you preferenced for an event other than your home event, there is a good chance you will start out on the wait list when event assignments are posted.  I will be working with FIRST HQ throughout the day on Friday and Monday to move teams off of the wait list.  Your team will receive an email from me no later than Tuesday, October 8 letting your know your options if we are unable to move your team off the waitlist into the event you selected.  Please do not email me before Tuesday afternoon if you end up on a waitlist.  I will not respond to your email because I will be too busy getting everyone moved into their events!  

OnShape with Kevin this Fall

Kevin is doing his onshape workships a little differently this season.  Instead of having live workshops, he has pre-recorded a series to allow people to move at their own pace.

If you have students who would like to learn CAD for FRC, here is a playlist of a series of videos for learning how to use OnShape.

*This is a series of videos. After clicking the link below, you’ll be able to access the list of videos on the YouTube playlist. 

Important Dates

  • Open now!  Boeing Grant open (ask your Boeing Mentor to apply)
  • September 26:  Kit and Kickoff registration opens
  • September 26 – Oct 3:  First FRC preferencing window
  • September 27:  Deadline to fill out PNW FRC registration to be considered for a grant
  • October 4:  Boeing grant closes
  • October 5 – 6:  Bordie Blast Hosted by 2412
  • October 5:  Oregon Girls Gen Hosted by 1425
  • October 6:  FIRST Chance Hosted by1425
  • October 12 – 13:  WA Girls Gen Hosted by 2046
  • October 17:  FRC Coaches Chat
  • October 19:  Storm Surge hosted by 2811 & 9567
  • October 17 – 24:  Second FRC preferencing window
  • October 31:  Additional In District Registration opens
  • November 12:  FRC Registration (Event & Kickoff) closes
  • November 21:  FRC Coaches Chat
  • November 22:  FRC Invoices sent to designated contact
  • December 6:  FRC Invoices secured
  • December 14:  Bunnybots Oregon & Washington
  • December 19:  FRC Coaches Chat
  • January 4:  FRC Kickoff!! (Remember, FIRST Washington registration must be secured to pick up your kit!)

FRC Reefscape Blog: Volume 5

Coaches Chat Recording is Posted

If you missed the coaches chat on September 19, you can view the slides and recording on our Workshops and Webinars page. Select the “Coaches Chat” tab to get up to date! 

Event Preferencing Opens Tomorrow

Remember that to register, your LEAD and ALTERNATE coach need to have signed their consent/acknowledgement forms in their FIRST dasboard and be current on their youth protection screening. 

You can find detailed information on preferencing here: 

OnShape with Kevin this Fall

Kevin is doing his onshape workships a little differently this season.  Instead of having live workshops, he has pre-recorded a series to allow people to move at their own pace.

If you have students who would like to learn CAD for FRC, here is a playlist of a series of videos for learning how to use OnShape.

*This is a series of videos. After clicking the link below, you’ll be able to access the list of videos on the YouTube playlist. 

Important Dates

FTC Into the Deep Blog: Volume 7

Get your team registered with FIRST and FIRST Washington ASAP! 

We will make league assignments the end of September based on team registration this Friday, September 27If you want to be in a league that is convenient for you or make sure your teams are all competing in the same league, register now!

FTC Coaches Chat recording is Posted

If you missed the coaches chat September 17, you can view the slides and recording on our Workshops and Webinars page. Click the button below! 

OnShape with Kevin this Fall

Kevin is doing his onShape workshops a little differently this season.  Instead of having live workshops, he has pre-recorded a series to allow people to move at their own pace.

If you have students who would like to learn CAD for FTC, here is a playlist of a series of videos for learning how to use OnShape.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Kevin Ross at kevinro@firstwa.org. 

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • Open now:  Boeing Grant open (ask your Boeing Mentor to apply)
  • September 27:  FIRST Washington Grant closes (part of registration)
  • October 1:  FTC home league assignments posted (based on 9-27 Registration)
  • October 1:  League preferencing Window opens
  • October 4:  FIRST Washington invoices sent to the designated team contact
  • October 9:  League preferencing window closes
  • October 11:  Updated league assignments posted
  • October 15:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • October 18:  Deadline to secure FIRST Washington registration
  • October 26 – November 24:  League Event Window
  • November 19:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • December 7-22:  Interleague event window
  • January 11-12:  Semi Final event window
  • February 1:  FTC State