Charged Up Coach Email Volume 26: Off Season Event Info!

Greetings Coaches!

If you are new to this email this is the place where you will find all of the Pacific NW District specific FIRST Robotics Competition information. Coaches in the FIRST system for the current season will be added once teams are able to register for events. Every email from me will be numbered and that number lets you know which update it is, if you miss an update you can find it on our website

Here is what I have for you today:

  • Please help us with a survey
  • Off Season Events

Please help us by taking a survey

Washington FIRST is looking for participating students to give their feedback in a paid research opportunity. In order to find actionable suggestions to aid in the retention of students in the program, we want to learn more about your experiences. Participation in the study is remote and will take approximately 30 minutes of your time. Compensation for your participation is $25. To be considered, please take a few moments to fill out the form linked below!

Off Season Events!

StormSurge: 9-16

The Skyview StormBots are excited to announce that we are bringing back StormSurge this fall! The pre-season tournament will use the official Charged-Up game field (and game) to give teams the opportunity to get back into the mode of robotics in the fall. It will be the perfect opportunity for new students to see what a robotics tournament is like. StormSurge will be on Saturday, September 16th! We want to get the word out now before calendars fill. If you are interested, please fill out this quick pre-registration form. If you have any questions, please email

Girls Gen, OR: 10-7 (with the possiblity of an event 10-8)

Save the date for Oregon Girls Gen! More info to come later but if you have questions, please reach out to Tim Bennington-Davis at

Bordie Charged: 10-14 & 15

You know about Super Chargers, You’ve heard of Turbo-Charged but what about Bordie Charged? Bordie would like to cordially invite your team to 

join us at Sammamish High School in Bellevue as Team 2412 presents: Bordie Charged! Played under the 2023 Charged-Up rules with an official field and official Bordies! This 2-day event will take place on October 14th and 15th with load-in on the 13th. Join us for bots, Bordies, flag waving, mascot parade, concessions, merch, and more.  


We will take the first 28 teams that sign up – Registration is open now at or fill out our Google Form! The fee per team is $300 for one bot. We plan on 10 x 10 pit spaces with power, a full set of quals, alliance selections, playoffs, and NEW custom Bordie awards! 


Interested in volunteering for the event? We will open up needed volunteering slots in September on

Washington Girl's Gen 2023: 10-21 & 22

FRC Team 2046 is excited to host the 2023 Washington Girls’ Generation robotics competition. This competition will be held on October 21st and 22nd at Tahoma Senior High School in Maple Valley. The goal for Girls’ Generation is to provide an inclusive experience for underrepresented communities in STEM. In that spirit, we welcome all to participate.

We plan to use the latest Official FRC Robot game rules for “Charged Up”, but inspections will not be held.

The cost of attendance is $300. The main contact from your team can register for the event by following this link


Block Party: 10-28 & 29

Save the date for Block Party! More info to come later but if you have questions, please reach out to Kyle Pihl