FTC Blog Volume 7 – Some important deadlines this week

OSPI Grant Closes Friday, September 29

If you are a Washington State Public or Tribal Compact school then you are eligible for the OSPI Grant.

FIRST Washington is now administering this grant and has worked hard to simplify the process as well as make the funding available to schools as soon as possible.

Make sure you fill out the grant application by the Friday deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Register with FIRST Washington by Saturday, Sept 30

There are several reasons you should register your team with FIRST Washington by this Friday

  1. To be sure you get a spot in the league closest to your team
  2. To be eligible to receive funding to lower your FIRST Washington reistration.

To see if your team is registered, follow this link:  https://firstwa.org/ftc-team-status/

If you do not see your team # on this list, than your team is not registered with FIRST Washington.


Make both of our lives easier and just do it now so I don’t have to pester you 🙂