FLL Blog Volume 9

First round of FLL Challenge Invoices went out this week!

The first round of FLL Challenge invoices for the FIRST Washington fee were emailed out yesterday. These went to teams that have registered with FIRST Inspires and have filled out the FIRST Washington registration. They were sent to the person you indicated on your FIRST Washington registration as the one that should receive your invoice. 

If you have not received an invoice, before you emeil me, STOP!

  • Have you checked with the person you indicated on your FIRST Washington registration?
  • Have you checked your SPAM/JUNK folder?
  • Have you completed your registration with FIRST Inspires?
  • Have you completed your FIRST Washington registration?

If you are unsure of the last 2, you can check here

If you have done all of these things, and all of your registrations are current and you still do not have one, you may email me on FRIDAY, 10/20. We will be sending out a second batch of FLL invoices soon, and then should be sending 1 batch per week until all have been sent out. 



Registration Information and Help

Registration still seems to be an issue for the programs, so I am going to share the same thing from last weeks coaches chat.


1. Your first step is to do your Team Registration with FIRST Inspires (firstinspires.org). You will need to log in on the website and go to your dashboard to register.

Then you are going to want to go complete the FIRST Washington registration and the Event Registration on firstwa.org.

FIRST Washington registration for both Challenge and Explore is similar, but for this I am only going to show Challenge.

Challenge registration is here- https://firstwa.org/challenge-registration/ 
Expolre registration is here- https://firstwa.org/explore-registration/ 

2. When you click the FIRST Washington registration button, it takes you to a page that looks like this-

3. When you click on the event registration button, it takes you to a page that looks like this- 

When you fill out the FIRST Washington registration and the event registration, you are going to want your team number from your FIRST Inspires dashboard. If you have not paid yet and are a rookie, this number will start with 2023.

Not sure if you have registered of filled out the registrations with FIRST Washington? 

4. Make sure you are checking the Team Status Sheet

Both Challenge and Explore have the same registrations forms, type of links and status sheets. Make sure you are checking them if you have questions. 

They are updated once a day manually, so keep that in mind when you are checking please 🙂

Event Assignments!

I have started to make tentative event assignments for the teams that have paid their FIRST Washington registration fee! Look for those to be posted by the end of the week!

Assignments are made on a first come first served basis, so don’t wait! Events will fill up!