FTC Blog – Volume 10 – Invoices went out 10-16

FTC Invoices went out Monday, October 16

If your FTC team was registered with FIRST HQ and FIRST Washington, you should have received your invoice yesterday.

Invoices were sent to the person designated on your FIRST Washington registration form.


The invoice was sent from accounting@firstwa.org so check you spam folder if you don’t see it.  If you did not receive your invoice, send an email to accounting@firstwa.org and include your team number in the subject line of the email.



FTC Coaches Chat – Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm

We will be having our next Coaches Chat next Tuesday at 7:00 pm.  Some of the things we will be talking about on the meeting are:

  •  Leagues
  • Invoices
  • Event Schedule
  • What happens at events

There will also be time for you all to connect and chat about how your season is going so far.