Next FTC Coaches Chat is scheduled for Tues, Nov 21 at 7:00 pm

This is a great opportunity to check in with all of you to see how your first league event went as well as talk about any changes coming up before the next round of league events.

We will also be talking about the Dean’s List submission process and deadlines on our next call

There will also be an opportunity for coaches to chat so you can get connected with and collaborate with other coaches in Washington.

FTC Invoices are due and MUST be paid prior to your next event.

For those teams that have paid their invoices, thank you!  You can disregard the rest of this section.

For those of you who haven’t paid your FIRST Washington Registration (which is over half of our teams at this point)  Please get your invoice paid asap. You may not be allowed to play in your second league event if your invoice is not secured.

Your invoice was sent to the person that was designated on your FIRST Washington registration form.  If you did not receive your invoice, please let me know (Include your team number and who needs to receive the invoice in your email).