FLL Blog Volume 12

FLL Challenge Coaches Chat November 30th! 7pm

Our next coaches chat for FLL Challenge will be on November 30th at 7pm! This coaches chat will be for FLL Challenge teams only! We will be talking about all things event, Semifinal, State, Advancement, and answering your questions!

This is the last coaches chat before the December Qualifiers! Link in the next Blog!

FLL Explore Coaches Chat November 30th! 6:30 pm

Our next coaches chat for FLL Explore will be on November 30th at 6:30pm! This coaches chat will be for FLL Explore teams only! We will be talking about all things event, and answering your questions!

This is the last coaches chat before the December events! Link in the next blog!

FLL Challenge Event Assignments!

FLL Challenge event assignments are posted here!

Teams not on this list have outstanding tasks. To see what tasks you have to complete, you can check here.

Teams with outstanding tasks have until Friday 11/17 to complete them.

FLL Explore Event Assignments!

FLL Explore event assignments are posted here!

Teams not on this list have outstanding tasks. To see what tasks you have to complete, you can check here.

Teams that have requested the December events with outstanding tasks have until Friday 11/17 to complete them.

Name Changes!

Multiple teams have reached out about their team names not matching on my lists vs their dashboards.

This is because while my email list gets updated every time I post a blog, the team name section only gets updated once or twice.

If your team names are incorrect, please fill out this form. Please make sure whatever you put on this form matches what is listed on your dashboard at firstinspires.org. This makes it easier for me.

The form!