OSPI Grant
- Open date: August 28th, 2024
- Close date: September 20th, 2024
2024 – 2025 OSPI FIRST Washington Grant
This grant is funded by state funds through the Washington State Office of Public Instruction and is intended to support FIRST Robotics programs within Washington State Public and Tribal Compact Schools.
REMIDNER: Registration with FIRST and FIRST WA as well as competing at ONE event is a mandatory requirement for funding. You may be ineligible or asked to return funding if these requirements are not met.
- Did you miss our 2024 OSPI informatonal meeting? Watch the recording or read the slides.
- Questions? Email us at grants@firstwa.org.
OSPI & FIRST Washington FAQ
What's different?
FIRST Washington is administering the OSPI grant and funds for the second.
When does the grant open?
The grant will open on August 28th, 2024 and close on September 20th, 2024.
Who can apply?
Any public or tribal compact school in Washington State can apply.
FLL Discover and Explore teams are NOT eligible for this grant. Only FLL Challenge, FTC, and FRC teams that meet the criteria above.
If you are a tribal school that is not a compact school, email grants@firstwa.org. Even if OSPI funding is not available, FIRST Washington may be able to find other funders to support your team!
Not sure what your tribal school classification is? Check out this resource from OSPI.
Can all Tribal Schools apply for this grant?
No, only Tribal Compact Schools are eligible for this grant. Please contact grants@firstwa.org if you are not a Tribal Compact School but are a Tribal School so that we can see if you may be eligible for other funding through FIRST WA.
Who will the check for funding be made out to?
Per our contract with OSPI checks must be made out to the school or district, principal, school cashier, or ASB. Please coordinate with your school’s administration as all schools have different policies and procedures regarding this.
My school is in Washington, but our team competes in another state because the competitions are closer, are we still eligible for this grant?
Yes, as long as your school is in Washington, and you are competing in FIRST programs you are eligible.
What if my school has multiple affiliated teams/programs?
Only ONE application-PER Program-Per School is required to be considered for funding. We will discuss this in greater detail on the informatioal call.
What expenses can this grant cover?
This award can be used broadly for all expenses that are associated with developing a FIRST team.
Acceptable expenses include:
- Materials for the team project
- Other educational materials that supplement the project
- Meeting expenses: snacks, beverages
- Administrative expenses
- Facility expenses (many teams have their own trailers and fieldhouses)
- Coach stipends
- Advertising and printing *including t-shirts for the teams
- Travel costs: transportation costs, snacks and meals while traveling
- FIRST Washington registration fees and/or FIRST Inspries registration fees