FLL Submerged Blog: Volume 6

In this weeks Blog-

All teams should be registered with-

  • FIRST Inspires

  • FIRST Washington

If you have not, please do so ASAP!

Make sure you read the entire blog!

Teams that appplied for the OSPI grant-

If you received an email from FIRST Washington today about your OSPI grant- you need to either:

  • Register with FIRST Inspires
  • Register with FIRST Washington
  • Register with both

Please read the email you received and complete the required registrations.

Failure to register your team may result in your application being denied or your payment award being held until you are confirmed as registered.

Remember, this grant is for FLL Challenge Washington State Public or Tribal Compact Schools. If you have questions, email grants@firstwa.org.

The list of teams below was updated at 12:00pm on 9/24/24.

If your team is not listed, they are not registered with FIRST Inspires. If the box next to the team number does not say ‘True’, then you are not registered with FIRST Washington.

FLL Challenge Coaches Chat

The next coaches chat will be October 10th!

Stay tuned for next months topic!

Additional Coaches Chat dates- November 14th, December 3rd, January 14th


Kevin’s Corner!

This season our WA State Head Referee Kevin T will be hosting his own coaches meetings just for robot game questions!

His first meeting is October 3rd at 7pm!

Get your team registered with FIRST and FIRST Washington ASAP!

  • We currently have 472 FLL Challenge teams registered with FIRST Inspires
  • We currently only have 235 teams registered with FIRST Washington
  • Last year we had 391 teams participate with FIRST Washington
  • This year, we are expecting 500-550 teams

What does this all mean?  We need you to register now!


More From FLL

FTC Into the Deep Blog: Volume 6

FTC Coaches Chat, Tonight, Sept 17 at 7:00 pm

Because of all the changes this year, we will be having our first Coaches Chat a bit earlier than usual.  I encourage everyone to have at least one adult in attendance as we talk about important changes (both with FIRST and FIRST Washington) and go over the schedule for the season.

Feel free to share this coaches chat link with any adult you would like to attend.

Get your team registered with FIRST and FIRST Washington ASAP!

  • We currently have 97 teams registered with FIRST Inspires 
  • We currently have 94 teams registered with FIRST Washington 
  • Last year we had 173 teams participate 
  • This year, we are expecting 190-200 teams 

What does this all mean?  We are waiting for 100 teams to register. We will make league assignments the end of September based on team registration.  If you want to be in a league that is convenient for you or make sure your teams are all competing in the same league, register now! 

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • Open now:  Boeing Grant open (ask your Boeing Mentor to apply)
  • September 27:  FIRST Washington Grant closes (part of registration)
  • October 1:  FTC home league assignments posted (based on 9-27 Registration)
  • October 1:  League preferencing Window opens
  • October 4:  FIRST Washington invoices sent to the designated team contact
  • October 9:  League preferencing window closes
  • October 11:  Updated league assignments posted
  • October 15:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • October 18:  Deadline to secure FIRST Washington registration
  • October 26 – November 24:  League Event Window
  • November 19:  FTC Coaches Chat
  • December 7-22:  Interleague event window
  • January 11-12:  Semi Final event window
  • February 1:  FTC State

FRC Reefscape Blog: Volume 4

Reminder of the FRC Coaches Chat this Thursday at 7:00 pm

Our first coaches chat of the season will be happening this Thursday at 7:00 pm.  On this meeting we will be looking at the season as a whole, going over preferencing and more.  Make sure you have at least one adult in attendance.

Check Out the OSPI Informational Meeting Recording

The OSPI informational meeting recording is posted. If you were unable to attend the OSPI meeting last week, you can find the slide deck and recording on the OSPI page of our website.

Remember, the grant deadline is this Friday, Sept 20th and is for Washington State Public or Tribal Compact School. If you have questions, email grants@firstwa.org.

Important Dates

FLL Submerged Blog: Volume 5

In this weeks Blog-

  • OSPI Grant closes this FRIDAY!

  • Coaches Chat recording posted

  • Make sure to register! 

Make sure you read the entire blog!

Check Out the OSPI Informational Meeting Recording

The OSPI informational meeting recording is posted. If you were unable to attend the OSPI meeting last week, you can find the slide deck and recording on the OSPI page of our website.

Remember, the grant deadline is this Friday, Sept 20th and is for FLL Challenge Washington State Public or Tribal Compact Schools. If you have questions, email grants@firstwa.org.

FLL Challenge Coaches Chat

The first coaches chat of the season is posted on the FIRSTWA website here

If you were unable to attend, make sure you look at the slides or watch the recording. 

In this meeting –

  • the season timeline
  • registration and changes
  • Washington specific event rules
  • Participation rule reminders
  • volunteers
  • Fundraising workshop

Additional Coaches Chat dates- October 10th, November 14th, December 3rd, January 14th


Kevin’s Corner!

This season our WA State Head Referee Kevin T will be hosting his own coaches meetings just for robot game questions!

His first meeting is October 3rd at 7pm!

Get your team registered with FIRST and FIRST Washington ASAP!

  • We currently have 397 teams registered with FIRST Inspires 
  • We currently have 114 teams registered with FIRST Washington 
  • Last year we had 391 teams participate with FIRST Washington
  • This year, we are expecting 500-550 teams 

What does this all mean?  We need you to register now! 


More From FLL

FLL Submerged Blog: Volume 4

Coaches Chat Reminder! OSPI Meeting Reminder! 

Fundraising Workshop!

Registration reminder!

Make sure you read the entire blog!

OSPI Informational Meeting  for FLL Challenge teams is Tonight @ 7:00pm! 

If you are a Washington State public school or Tribal Compact school, you are eligible for the OSPI grant!

The process will be very similar to last year. If you are new to this process or have questions, feel free attend our meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 7:00 pm.

Keep in mind, this meeting is for questions on the OSPI grant only, we will not be answering program specific questions at that time. For program specific questions, be sure to attend your program specific Coaches Chat.

There are no upcoming events at this time.

FLL Challenge Coaches Chat

Our first coaches chat of the season will be this Thursday, September 12th at 7pm.

In this meeting we will be going over-

  • the season timeline
  • registration and changes
  • Washington specific event rules
  • Participation rule reminders
  • volunteer needs

We will not be talking about the robot game or robot game specific questions in this meeting. 

This meeting will be recorded. Coaches unable to attend should watch the recording or check the slides for important information.

Additional Coaches Chat dates- October 10th, November 14th, December 3rd, January 14th


Upcoming Workshop: Setting your Team Up for Financial Success

Join us on October 10th from 5:00pm to 6:15pm for a webinar from our very own Director of Development, Lila Mowatt, covering the basics of fundraising and how you can set your team up for financial success this season. 

Please RSVP here

Questions?  Reach out to Jake Osborn at jakeo@firstwa.org  

Event Dates


Festivals for FLL Explore will take place in December and March. Specific dates to be announce soon!

Qualifiers for FLL Challenge will take place the first two weekends in December- 12/7-12/8 and 12/14-12/15. Locations to be announced soon!

Qualifier Registration process for FLL Challenge may be changing! Tune in to the first coaches chat on September 12th to find out more!

Venues locations for FLL Challenge*-

Everett, Snohomish, Bellevue, Issaquah, Federal Way, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, Pasco, Olympia, Chimacum, Oak Harbor

*Subject to change until confirmed

FIRST Washington Registration


Registration with FIRST Washington is now open for both FLL Explore and FLL Challenge teams!

  • FIRST Washington runs the FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge Events in the state of Washington.
  • FIRST Washington charges an additional fee of $50 for Explore and $350 for Challenge to participate in events, and those fees are set and collected by FIRST Washington.

All teams are required to fill out the FIRST Washington team registration form in order to participate. FIRST WA registration will CLOSE September 27th.

Not sure if your team has registered? check here! 

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