FRC Blog Volume 7 – 2nd event preferencing starts this today at 9 am
Washington State Public & Tribal Compact Schools
Be sure to log onto your dashboard and fill out your team and payment information. It is important that this information be filled out by Friday, October 6.
Teams Form:
This is asking you for information related to the team(s) at your school. We are considering additional funding for schools with more than one team registered with FIRST Washington. As a result, we need you to enter the teams you have registered with FIRST Washington and commit to having those teams compete to receive that additional funding. If you are waiting to complete your payment with firstinspires, and are a rookie team, please enter the temporary number you received when starting your registration.
Payment Information:
This form is asking 3 things:
- Who your check should made out to (School District or School Building, ASB School Cashier)
- Address the check should be mailed to
- Whose Attention the email should be sent to
*** It is your responsibility to know what your district’s policies are regarding receiving grant funds. If you are unsure how to fill out this information, please contact your administration to find out what you should do. WE CANNOT ADVISE YOU ON WHO CHECKS SHOULD ME MADE OUT TO BECAUSE EVERY DISTRICT HAS A DIFFERENT POLICY. ***
To access these forms, the profile user must login and you must click on the square with the school’s name inside of the link that was sent to you. The additional forms will appear there. Please take notice of the fact that it no longer says IN REVIEW and is now blue and says PRE-AWARD INTAKE.
We recognize these are some extra steps but ask for your patience as we work through the process. This is new for us as well as you and we are learning as we go.
2nd round of Event preferencing opens at 9 am Today, Oct 5
Log into your dash board on to select your preferences for your first event
- You are no longer guaranteed a spot in your home event.
- We currently have 127 teams registered this year (which is SO exciting!) and are expecting a few more so space will be tight. Many of you will end up on the waitlist for your events after this round of preferencing. I will be prioritizing moving our rookie teams into their events first so if you are a veteran team, you may not hear from me until Monday, October 16 about your event options. Thanks for being patient and letting me take care of our new teams!
2023 FRC Workshops – hosted by 2557 SOTAbots
Location : Science and Math Institiute Environmental Learning Center, Point Defiance Zoo, Tacoma
Date: November 18, 2023
Time: 9:00 – 3:30
Lunch: $5 – sign up onsite
Call for Presenters :
- It is always great to see new faces presenting on topics of interest to all.
- Please send your presentation Title, a short description and time needed ( 1 or 2 hours) to the following email
- Please have your proposals in by October 31 at the latest.